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Tactile studs PL-41

Plastic tactile paving studs — type PL-41

Surface mounted plastic warning studs Ø35 mm in various versions and colours, suitable (as a tactile orientation system for blind and visually impaired people) for indoor applications.
Tactile studs (tactile truncated domes) are made of polyurethane/desmopan and are available in 3 versions:
— without pins (for fixation using additional glue like MAMUT or similar)
— self-adhesive with thin adhesive tape (suitable for flat and smooth surfaces — linoleum, smooth tiles, carpets)
— self-adhesive with high-quality AFT adhesive tape (suitable for more difficult and frequented surfaces e.g. with some kind of structure, etc.)
Possible colours:  white, black, yellow, grey, red or blue
Order numbers of all versions and colours are mentioned below the following photos of plastic tactile studs.

Tactile studs PL-41Tactile studs PL-41Tactile studs PL-41

Possible colour versions with order numbers:

PL-4101         Tactile stud Ø35×3 mm without pin — white
PL-4101-S1  Tactile stud Ø35×3,2 mm self-adhesive (thin tape) — white
PL-4101-S2  Tactile stud Ø35×3,5 mm self-adhesive (AFT tape) — white
PL-4102         Tactile stud Ø35×3 mm without pin — black
PL-4102-S1  Tactile stud Ø35×3,2 mm self-adhesive (thin tape) — black
PL-4102-S2  Tactile stud Ø35×3,5 mm self-adhesive (AFT tape) — black
PL-4103         Tactile stud Ø35×3 mm without pin — yellow
PL-4103-S1  Tactile stud Ø35×3,2 mm self-adhesive (thin tape) — yellow
PL-4103-S2  Tactile stud Ø35×3,5 mm self-adhesive (AFT tape) — yellow
PL-4104         Tactile stud Ø35×3 mm without pin — grey
PL-4104-S1  Tactile stud Ø35×3,2 mm self-adhesive (thin tape) — grey
PL-4104-S2  Tactile stud Ø35×3,5 mm self-adhesive (AFT tape) — grey
PL-4105         Tactile stud Ø35×3 mm without pin — red
PL-4105-S1  Tactile stud Ø35×3,2 mm self-adhesive (thin tape) — red
PL-4105-S2  Tactile stud Ø35×3,5 mm self-adhesive (AFT tape) — red
PL-4106         Tactile stud Ø35×3 mm without pin — blue
PL-4106-S1  Tactile stud Ø35×3,2 mm self-adhesive (thin tape) — blue
PL-4106-S2  Tactile stud Ø35×3,5 mm self-adhesive (AFT tape) — blue