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Tactile pad ME-21

Tactile pad ME-21 (studs ∅35 mm in form of truncated cones — with flat top)

Warning, signal and tactile belt.
In accordance with the international norm ISO 23599/2012.
Dimensions:  900 x 420 mm and 600 x 420 mm
Made of elastomer (belt) and two-component cold plastic (studs/blisters).
Colour:  Various colour combinations (see below)
Used as surface mounted tactile paving (directional lines) for outdoor as well as indoor applications. To be placed over the existing paving, which makes the installation simple, quick and cost effective (it eliminates excavation and the footpath can be re-opened within a few hours).
Exterior applications:  Suitable for the application on matured bitumen and concrete surfaces. Installation by gluing using two-component cold plastic (methacrylate resin).
Interior applications:  Installation over surfaces such as ceramic / clay, marble or granite tiles, etc. Installation using glue that is already pre-applied at the bottom of the product and covered by a plastic protection film.

Tactile pad ME-21Tactile pad ME-21

Tactile pad ME-21

Tactile pad ME-21Tactile pad ME-21

Tactile pad ME-21

Available colour combinations with order numbers:

ME-2101-S   Warning belt 900×420 mm white/white studs
ME-2102-S   Warning belt 900×420 mm white/black studs
ME-2103-S   Warning belt 900×420 mm white/yellow studs
ME-2104-S   Warning belt 900×420 mm white/grey studs
ME-2105-S   Warning belt 900×420 mm yellow/white studs
ME-2106-S   Warning belt 900×420 mm yellow/black studs
ME-2107-S   Warning belt 900×420 mm yellow/yellow studs
ME-2108-S   Warning belt 900×420 mm yellow/grey studs
ME-2109-S   Warning belt 900×420 mm black/white studs
ME-2110-S   Warning belt 900×420 mm black/black studs

ME-2151-S   Warning belt 600×420 mm white/white studs
ME-2152-S   Warning belt 600×420 mm white/black studs
ME-2153-S   Warning belt 600×420 mm white/yellow studs
ME-2154-S   Warning belt 600×420 mm white/grey studs
ME-2155-S   Warning belt 600×420 mm yellow/white studs
ME-2156-S   Warning belt 600×420 mm yellow/black studs
ME-2157-S   Warning belt 600×420 mm yellow/yellow studs
ME-2158-S   Warning belt 600×420 mm yellow/grey studs
ME-2159-S   Warning belt 600×420 mm black/white studs
ME-2160-S   Warning belt 600×420 mm black/black studs